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[HOTM] End of Summer - Competition

Celebrate the End of Summer and join the competition to WIN Coins and Rares!

Casper Hotel is celebrating the end of summer in a truly unique way with a themed Homepage competition! If you're an avid fan of Casper Hotel and love the hottest season of the year, this is the perfect opportunity to showcase your talent in creating your Homepage with a summer and autumun theme with the oportunity to WIN some coins and rares!

This exciting event will kick off this Saturday, September 23, and run until September 30. During this period, all Casper players are invited to participate in the competition, where they'll have the chance to express their creativity and design skills. The main theme is "End of Summer," so your Homepage should evoke the nostalgia of summer vacations, fun in the sun and the beginning of Autumun!

Participants will have access to a wide range of summer-themed stickers, backgrounds and more. You can also incorporate seasonal and decorative stickers and backgrounds available in the Widget Shop during the event period.
In addition to the thrill of creating the most incredible Homepages, there are fantastic rewards waiting for participants!

What prizes can you win?

1º place - - 3x Arabian Sand Patch, Habbo Cola Machine, Habbo Turntable + 1000 credits
2º place - Habbo Cola Machine + 500 credits
3º place - Habbo Turntable + 200 credits

All entries will win a ‘End of Summer’ Badge!

To participate in the competition, simply follow these simple steps:
1.     Decorate your Homepage with the "End of Summer" theme.
2.     Submit your Homepage on the Homepage of the Month group.

Your Homepage will be judged based on originality, creativity, and adherence to the theme. Make sure your stands out and tells a captivating summer story!

Don't miss this opportunity to celebrate the end of summer in a truly fun and exciting way. Join the competition at Casper Hotel and create your virtual summer paradise. Good luck to all participants!

Have fun creating, exploring, and celebrating the end of summer in Casper Hotel!


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