I've done it, I've cracked the code (sorta speak), lol. Casper Hotel now ships with a native client. Yes, that's right! A native executable client just like Habbo Hotel and most other retros.

You: Well dang Paswrd what does that mean for us?
Paswrd: Now you no longer have to deal with downloading another web browser with sketchy unreliable plugins that quite Frankly (hehe) crash way too often.

Yes, yes the downloadable native client is the shiny new way of the future for these old hotels. It's reliable and makes getting on a breeze. You won't have to worry about constant client errors forcing you to reload the hotel just to continue what you were doing. This client will be downloadable coming soon (April 10th 2023). This is exciting for us as a hotel since this will bring us into the "modern era" for gaming and future development all while keeping the same nostalgic feel for old school Habbo v31.

So what now? Well I wanted to go over some of the future plans for Casper.

Coming Soon:
- Need to re-enable the client download page (with direct download to the native client)
- Still need to fix Privacy Policy and T&C
- Plan on filling the help section with 1-on-1 FAQ's from this generation Habbo
- Want to get the old FAQ Help Center form submission page up and running.
- Need to fix group badges in the client since they are hard linked to an old source.

Well that's it for this update. Stay tuned and we hope you enjoy!! Thanks for being with us!