


    Casper criado em:
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    Dragon Lounge ¹
    These dragons hide a secret for more than a century... can you discover it?
    enter room

    LoFi Café µ ¹
    Welcome to the first Café in Casper Hotel!
    enter room

    Small Library ¹
    Local public libraries where you can study, but people say there's a part of the library that isn't so public... shhh (keep quiet)
    enter room

    Keep Quiet ¹
    A small part of the local library that's not open to all... how to enter? hmmm
    enter room

    HC Lounge - Gold Mammoth
    How to enter this room?
    enter room

    Gallery ¹
    @ has entered the building
    enter room

    Habbo Dreams ¹
    In memory of Habbo Dreams game!
    enter room

    Jonhy Squabble ¹
    Sometimes it's nice to just grab a seat next to the cool pixel ocean and take in the warm, salty air. These comfy deck chairs can be found in many a beach-themed room. The pool may be closed, but the ocean is always open.
    enter room

    Lonely Hearts Club ¹
    The best nights in Casper Hotel
    enter room

    DOM ¹
    Sometimes you're just lost...
    enter room

    enter room

    HC Lounge ¹
    You may discover how to acess this room, the main door is blocked :)
    enter room

    Bonnie Blonde ¹
    enter room

    Old Office ¹
    enter room

    Botanic Search Center ¹
    enter room

    TheBox ¹
    Remake of AuntieGrizelda room in Habbo.ca - Blocked entrance for the public eyes :o
    enter room

    Study Room ¹
    enter room

    Casper Cinema ¹
    enter room

    A Lonely Christmas Eve ¹
    enter room

    Christmas Night ¹
    Sometimes you're just lonely, but in the end is an happy Christmas night! Find out how to enter the room and happy Christmas!
    enter room

    Olympus Piscine ¹
    enter room

    Heart Break Chapel ¹
    enter room

    My Apartment
    enter room

    Small Casper River Park ¹
    enter room

    Music Store ¹
    enter room

    Fallin Furni ¹
    enter room

    Autumn 2023 - Official Room
    Discover how to enter the cottage to win a badge! - Have fun!
    enter room

    Autumn 2023 - The Cottage
    enter room

    Music Studio ¹
    enter room

    Casper Hotel - Events Hall
    Casper Events Hall - Use the teleports to enter the events! Join events at Casper Hotel to win coins, rares and badges!
    enter room

    Empty ¹
    enter room

    enter room

    LAB - Testing Room
    enter room

    relax-study to ¹
    enter room

    Casper Court ¹
    enter room

    Castle ¹
    enter room

    Frosty ¹
    Thank you so much paswrd for giving Frosty for my birthday!! <3
    enter room

    Casper Games Central
    enter room

    enter room

    Casper Christmas Square [FLASH]
    enter room

    The Effect
    enter room

    Plasto World
    enter room

    Dressing Room
    enter room

    Dressing Room 2
    enter room

    enter room

    Palazzo Pizza Elevator
    Up or down?
    enter room

    Palazzo Pizza -1
    Know those stairs behind the counter? Shh, don't say anything!
    enter room

    Casper Kitchen Pantry
    Do you know that door on Casper Kitchen you can't enter? Well, that's it. Maybe if you discover the way... But believe me. I'll be Frank with you! Do you really want to see inside the kitchen?
    enter room

    Hot n Cool - Opening 1 August
    enter room

    enter room

    enter room

    Building 1
    enter room

     Meu Livro de Visitas(12) myhabbo.guestbook.unknown.private 

    • m

      this movie is insane, i love your soundtrack too haha

    • Duna

      cara amei seus quartos e emblemas!

    • DarioLira

      Unfortunately I didn't get to meet you, but from your words and rooms, I simply loved it!! I hope you come back :)

    • paswrd

      Eu penso em você o tempo todo ainda. Sinto falta das nossas conversas noturnas e das confusões noturnas no servidor. Espero que você volte um dia. Desejo tudo de melhor para sua saúde, amigo! <3

    • m

      The best of us <3

      miss u bro

    • paswrd

      I miss you so much friend.

    • paswrd

      You're one of my favorite people. <3

    • Lucas

      you're @m@zing!

    • smally

      thank you :) <3

    • weekday

      you're awesome @!

    • apollo

      Hello @ :D

    • paswrd



     Emblemas e Conquistas 

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     Meus Grupos (19) 

     Meus Votos 

    Média: 4
    Total de votos: 26
    (25 Casper votaram 4 ou mais)

    Visit my rooms, discover some of their secrets and win badges!

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    don't click twice on my nose, please...

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