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[HOTM] - 'End of Summer': Septem Sep 23, 2023 (3:46 AM)
To enter the competition comment the link to your homepage!
Please make just one comment with the correct link to your homepage!
"Casper Hotel is celebrating the end of summer in a truly unique way with a themed Homepage competition! If you're an avid fan of Casper Hotel and love the hottest season of the year, this is the perfect opportunity to showcase your talent in creating your Homepage with a summer and autumun theme with the oportunity to WIN some coins and rares!
Dates: Saturday, September 23 until September 30.
What prizes can you win?
1º place - - 3x Arabian Sand Patch, Habbo Cola Machine, Habbo Turntable + 1000 credits 2º place - Habbo Cola Machine + 500 credits 3º place - Habbo Turntable + 200 credits