The Secret of Tao!

Today, January 29th, players will have the chance to explore the Chinese Tea Room, where a quiet, enigmatic figure named Tao is waiting to share a secret. But there’s a twist: Tao has taken a Vow of Silence, and no one, not even the bravest adventurers, can get him to speak. Will you uncover what Tao has to offer?


The 2nd stop of the Grand Casper Cruise, to celebrate the Chinese New Year!

The Year of Snake! (2025)

As the Chinese Year of the Snake slithers in, we embrace wisdom, transformation, and resilience. In 2025, the serpent’s energy guides us to shed old skin, make bold moves, and navigate challenges with grace. It’s a time for growth, renewal, and embracing life’s mysteries ahead!

Relax, events are coming soon!

       CHINESE NEW YEAR                   GIVEAWAYS!

                Join the Chinese
          special giveaways on the                           Discord Server!



 Informações do Grupo 


Grupo criado em: Jan 26, 2025

14 members

Chinese Tea Room and Garden µ

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